Small Town Disappointment

It seems like things go well just to turn around and bite you. I guess I can't really complain too much. I was supposed to see Eclipse tonight but my friend isn't able to go because his parents are in a bad mood. You'd think that at 20 and 19 we wouldn't be under parental jurisdiction but I guess that when you still live with them it doesn't work that way. It's really not that bad just annoying. I don't know why I even want to see Eclipse. It's just a disappointment. I'm not sure which is worse the bad acting, the way the characters don't really match. or the way that the movie doesn't really follow the story line. I think it's mainly bad acting.

I'm still job hunting and it's not looking too great. No one wants to hire. I'm still hoping that Movie Town will hire me but I'm pretty doubtful. I may end up working at Wal-Mart. I guess this is just one of the many joys of living in a small town.


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