Seven Days

I have almost exactly seven days left. Seven days till my four month "aniversary" and seven days til my boyfriend has to leave for basic. In seven days it's going to be one of the most ironically worst days of my life. I know that kinda sounds dramatic and all but I've already decided that he's that one guy. I know four months is a really short amount of time to decide that but it just feels right. The fact that I have to lose him for who knows how long in seven days really kills me a little on the inside. I'm pretty sure I can get through it though. I may be mopy and a drag for a while but I'm hoping my strange optimism will kick in after the first month and my friends will cooperatively hang out or I find new geeky things to do. So I'm hoping at some point in the next week I have a little photo shoot. We have very few pictures of the two of us together and I'd like to actually have some for a photo album or something. My facebook page makes me look very conceited since most of it is just pics of myself. So if I can get Kyle, the boyfriend, to stop being lazy for a while I may actually have something to keep me a little busy making a scrapbook maybe. Anyway...
I decided to start watching My Life as Liz. It's the only show on MTV I've found worth watching. Maybe because it promotes the not so perfect nerds that I and most of my friends are. I just finished the first season and am definitely looking forward to the second.
I've also finally decided that once I actually get back into crafting that I'll start using my blog to show off my little creations. I'm also most likely going to start selling my stuff on Etsy so I can hopefully make money until I can get a good steady job. My first project will be gauntlets for Kyle since he has decided that he wants some in purple. I find this slightly interesting coming from him but I'm going to take the chance anyway and hopefully catch a pic of him wearing them to upload.
I'm also hoping that I'll start blogging more often. I don't know why I kinda just suddenly stopped. I think I felt like I was boring the world with my drab little life. I'm hoping that it may possibly get more interesting soon. If all plans wrok out I'll possibly be moving on base with Kyle after he gets through basic, AIT, and comes back from his overseas station. Hopefully I'm more durable than I think I am and hopefully I won't make myself look silly and cry a lot.


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