
It's been quite a while since I last wrote. It seems like a lot has happened since then. A few days after Kyle left we got engaged. I'm pretty excited about but I can't deny that I'm kinda scared too. It's a pretty big step but I think I'm ready for it. So I'll probably be getting married in late May early June. I'm not sure how much time we'll have before he has to report in to his first duty station. I'll be going to see him in April when he graduates from basic and again in May for his AIT graduation and to bring him home. It's been kinda rough but I think I'm dealing with it pretty well. Letters and phone calls have become a necessity for happiness.

I've started working on quite a few different projects. I'm in the process of making some jewelry and I've managed to finish Kyle's gauntlets. Hopefully I'll get some pictures up soon and possibly start selling them in my shop. I've also been trying to practice my cooking. Right now I'm having to learn how to make a tater tot casserole. I've never cared for them but I've been asked to figure out how to make it. I've found a recipe and now it just needs a few modifications.

Hopefully I'll start blogging more often. Right now I have to get some much needed sleep. Goodnight.


  1. I really like your style of writing
    x www.ahugeheartforfashion.com


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