
Ahhh. Walmart. I;m pretty sure I spend way too much time here. Between working here, shopping here, and picking my finance up from work I spend at least 90% of my time here. It's kinda sad especially since I have recently acquired a new apartment and spend very little time at home. A lot has happened since I last wrote and I do apologize that I don't write as much as I used to. Life feels boring to me sometimes but it's really just monotonous with so much work. Since I last wrote we moved from where we were living into a teensie house that wasn't big enough for the people living in it. My finance's family has decided to move to Louisiana and they will be doing so soon. This really hurts I guess because I'm not going with them. It was my choice and not my choice. I didn't want to go because I was tired of his family taking advantage of me and making me pay all their bills while they sat around doing nothing. Timothy (finance) and I were the only one's with jobs and were the only ones paying bills and no one tried to help. Now that they're moving to Louisiana everyone found jobs at the drop of a pin. This was kinda the last straw for me. They were getting jobs but demanding more and more money of me and Timothy so I decided that I had to leave to protect myself from being used. I like helping people but I can't stand to be abused and I can't stand watching Timothy be abused by his family. Sadly he won't be staying with me. He's being forced to go to Louisiana until October. I know this seems odd but I'm not going into the details of that ordeal. So now I'm stuck with trying to make time fly. I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'm going to start trying to learn new things and explore the town I've been living in for a year now. Despite being here that long I still haven't explored much. I think I may go to Devil's Den sometime soon. It's about and hour away and has lots of hiking trails and caves to explore. Sounds like old times with my best friend.  


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