Southern Girl in a Big World of Uncertanties

Little southern towns have always made me wonder about life. I've lived in one my whole life and now I'm living in a big southern city. Funny thing is, nothing's different. The only difference is where I was once surrounded by familiarity and country farms I'm now surrounded by bustling traffic in a place where I know few people. I'm not sure if I really like this town or not yet. I've yet to find my niche, my comfort space. I suppose trying to find people with similar interests to my own would be the first step but how do you begin when you know so little?
I'm finally starting to get back into my crafting again but I'm not sure what project I was to start on yet. I still have some old tree stumps that I need to make into tables soon before it's too late but I'm not really sure where to start. I want to make some pillows for my couch but yet again my sewing machine has failed me. I'm in dire need of a new one. Maybe that will be my layaway item at Christmas this year. I need to crochet more. I'm afraid I'm going to forget how if I don't keep working at it and I also still need to learn to knit. I've noticed my list of want to's and need to's keeps getting longer and longer.
My fiance has come back to town and we had our awkward reunion. I think it'll be that way for a while now. I'm so used to being alone that I feel a little smothered by his need for closeness. I understand but I'm not really quite so adaptable and still angry he left in the first place. It's been a long 4 months since he left and I foresee a long year ahead of us but I believe that with time things will be better. I wanted to go to the hot air balloon festival  in Claremore but it's 2 hours away and I'd have to pay a toll. I'm still debating it though since I've never seen hot air balloons in person before and I'd really love to go. I'd also like to go horseback riding. I haven't been in years and love being around horses. They're such calming creatures to be around and I miss that. It reminds me of an old friend.
I think that my life has gone so awry that I've lost my center and maybe that's why I feel like there's an overwhelming amount of things I want to do and feel like I have so little time to do it. I'm not sure what I need but I'm sure I'll find it. Perhaps old familiar things will help center me again.


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