Sickly Persistent Love

Cough Cough. that's all I've done for the past 3 days now. I've had a sore throat for a week now and the cough isn't helping matters. Despite being slightly sick, I still plan on going to the fair either tonight or tomorrow night. I think that I will go to the flea market tomorrow and see if I can find an old chair to spruce up since my desk chair is a little worse for wear (I keep having to glue one of the arms back on) plus I've had an idea for a chair for quite a while now.

I seem to have an issue with friends and men. Well more my friends that are men. It seems like almost all of them  have decided to try and go out with me. At the same time too. I'd think it was a joke if it weren't for the fact that they don't know each other. I'm a little tired of it and none of them seem to get the clue that I'm not interested. I honestly don't see how they couldn't though. I've even said that I'm not interested but they're very persistent. I'm just not interested in anyone right now. At least not anyone I know.


  1. Sorry you are not up to par and having furniture issues... on a brighter note....God loves us and His son Jesus the Christ died for our sins so we would not have to pay the price. That is good news but we must choose to accept by faith that we can be freed from our sin. Check out book of John in the Bible and chose eternal life.


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