The Uncertainty of Life

It seems that bad luck is my calling in life. No matter what I do anymore nothing works out the way I need it to. I still can't get my transcript from Tech and all I need is at least a copy of it. If I can get that I can start paying them back. I also need a job. No matter where I go it's always the same thing: "Sorry but we're not hiring right now." Maybe it's time to look into the more obscure places I don't really seem to have any other options. If I don't start paying Tech back I don't know what will happen. I just hope that I can get them to give me a copy of my transcript.
On the more positive side, I'm almost done reading Pride & Prejudice. It's actually really good and the movie with Kiera Knightly actually followed the book really well. I still have 5 more books to go though. The good thing is I happened to acquire two of them on one of mom's yard sale frenzies. I also have been learning to knit, which is much harder than it looks. I'm hoping to get good enough to make a hat that I happened to find a pattern for. I've also been on a search for any vintage items mainly from around the '50s and earlier. I did happen to find some vintage boots that cleaned up nicely although they are a little hard on my feet. I've also noticed that a lot of designers are coming out with vintage inspired clothing. It's nice but not near as great as the real thing.
All the stress from getting college stuff settled has also lead to my poetic tendencies to flare up again. I haven't produced an entire poem yet but with the way my brain is working it won't be too long. Hard times always tend to make me write a lot.
Ah I also turned 20 last week. I didn't do much but it was nice to hang out with my friend. I'm not going to be seeing much of my friends for a while and I'm really going to miss them and all the random things we end up doing. We've had a lot of crazy time. Speaking of friends, well in this case ex-friend, the girl whose fiancĂ© wanted her to stop seeing me has a bit of a secret. They're trying to get married as soon as possible to try and cover it up but it's starting be noticeable. I've been making blankets and things for her but I'm starting to wonder if I should. I have no hard feeling towards them I'm just afraid of going to all the trouble of trying to help and be nice just to have them throw it in my face. She was excited to tell me the news but after that it was just simple civilities and vagueness.
Ah. The uncertainty of life. With the streak I'm having now my advice is that if anyone happens to see me they should run in the opposite direction. I may rub off on you.  


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