Fighting the Desert

It seems like in a matter of a few days I've managed to get very bad news. The first was that my very silly and wonderful dog that I have had for 7 years died the other day. It's really just not the same when I come home and he's not trying to jump in the truck as soon as I come home. I'll miss him. The other is that I managed to get my phone messed up while trying to change the PIN and I now have to get a new sim card. I'm just glad that not much of anything else is going wrong. Yet.
I also seem to have acquired a love of jazz music. I'm not really sure where it came from or why but I ended up listening to it on the tv yesterday and ended up really liking it.
Apparently the rodeo is in town and I didn't know about it. In my opinion though it's much too hot to go to the rodeo. I don't see how people can stand it.
My friend has just brought on the idea of creating a pirate radio on an island in the middle of a lake. It's definitely something that I would do.
I haven't really gotten much farther in my poetry. I seem to think about it and then get distracted by someone or something. So far this is what I've got:

In this blazing desert
I'm drowning in the sea
Of my own misery

If only I had tried
I would not have died
I would not be in this desert sea

I've let them all down
I've proved them all right
I never even tried to fight

Now I do believe
My time will come
My deeds undone

One day I will rise
I will be the one who's right
I will give a blazing fight


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