My Last Day with Zombies

This will be my last night in this dorm and at this college. I think I'll miss it but most of all I will miss the bed. I have been informed that I will be sleeping on the floor for a while until I get a new mattress. Hopefully it's a new new mattress instead of a new old mattress. Those are never very much fun. My room is very empty and very cold. I'm not really sure why since the heater is on. I may be in store for some bad weather tonight. A friend of mine not too far away says there are tornadoes forming in her city. I'm not to afraid of it. I'm one of those people who thinks that if it's my time to die then I just die. There's nothing that I'm really holding onto. It would sadden me to die before I see Japan and get married (if I ever get married) but it's just a fact of life that people die. That sounds a little pessimistic but I kind of see it in an optimistic light somehow.
I was watching a movie a minute ago and one of the characters was saying that if you dream something more than once it will come true. Well if that's the case, the human race will be infected with a disease and turn into zombies with very few survivors. I've had this dream the same night every year. It's so realistic that I'm paranoid all the next day until my brain has been convinced that the dream was not a reality. I could probably make a fortune if I wrote down all the crazy dreams that I've had. At least that's what I've been told.
I'm barely out of this city and I've already started making plans for after I've moved. Lunch with my best friend, design plans for bedroom and bathroom, where I'll be working, etc. I think that my brain's inability to shut down is sometimes a good thing, except when I'm wanting to sleep.
I survived a day with my mom. I think it was mainly because we went to Lowes and I had a bit of a field day imagining things. An argument could have easily sprung up but I smoothed it over and made her forget the subject.
For now I think I'll read a little more in House of Many Ways and then call it a night.


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